Frequently Asked Questions When Picking Out the Perfect Porch Bed Swing


After a long day’s work, nothing beats being able to sit back and relax safely and comfortably in your own home. And more often than not, the perfect places to chill are the living room and front porch.

Getting comfortable on your porch can pose a certain challenge, though, if you don’t have the right kind of furniture available. But rather than choosing to put a couch or loveseat on your porch, one other piece of furniture that would suit its atmosphere perfectly is a good porch bed swing.

This begs the question, though, what makes the perfect porch bed swing?

Are Porch Swing Beds Comfortable?
One thing to note is the difference between a porch swing and a porch bed swing. This is because the difference between the two is comfortability. Porch swing is a more general term that encompasses both swings and swing beds. One thing that sets it apart from a porch swing bed, however, is the single inclusion of the word, “bed”.

Unlike your typical porch swing, a bed swing is larger-built to be able to accommodate a bed mattress. These bed swings often use mattresses in the twin size, but can also be made larger. The twin size mattress is what is often used for day beds, which, all things considered, is exactly what a porch bed swing is. It’s this mattress, along with whatever pillows and cushions you put on the bed swing that make it more comfortable than your typical hard wood porch furniture.

How Much Weight Can a Porch Swing Bed Carry?
How much weight a porch bed or porch swing is able to carry is dependent on the strength of the rope or chains that keep it suspended. On Average, porch swings are able to accommodate a maximum weight capacity of 500lbs. However, porch swings made from high quality materials can easily accommodate more than 1000 lbs of weight.

Wood or Metal Porch Bed Swing? Which is Better?
Porch bed swings are made from a variety of different materials, including wood, metal, and plastic. Each one has its advantages and drawbacks, with plastic and metal generally able to withstand rainy or snowy weather conditions. However, metal can also be prone to rust if not coated with a good metal primer.

That said, your best bet to owning a porch bed swing that lasts a lifetime is to go with a real wood porch swing. There are a number of different wood types that are suitable for both warm and cool climates, such as cypress and cedar. Porch swings in these woods can easily last you between 15 to 20 years.

Can My Ceiling Support a Porch Bed Swing?
Safety should be your top priority when it comes to porch swings. To be able to safely support a porch swing, you need a sturdy ceiling joist. A ceiling joist refers to a large beam that helps hold the weight of the house. Essentially, any heavy object that you’re looking to suspend from the ceiling should be hung from a ceiling joist.

This means that the first step in checking if your porch can support a swing is to check where the ceiling joists are, and then measure the space to see if it can accommodate the porch bed’s back and forth.

High Quality, Handcrafted Porch Bed Swings
Now that you’ve gone through all the common questions people ask about porch swings, it’s time to pick out the perfect porch bed swing for your home! While a quick search online will yield you good results, nothing beats a handcrafted bed swing that’s made and crafted based on your specific design and requirements.

For that, we recommend visiting Four Oak Bed Swings for porch beds made from the highest quality materials and craftsmen. More than just a manufacturer, they also have excellent customer service and relations and make it a priority to please and satisfy all their customers.

For more information about Outdoor Hanging Bed Please visit: Four Oak Furniture LLC.


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